This brand was created out a dire need to see beauty out of ashes. We all suffer losses however, in less than a decade I loss many immediate family members. My nephew, Father and grandmother in a span of 3 weeks died. A few years later I would lose my older sister at 37 to cancer. Less than 2 years after her my oldest brother 39 and my niece 14 (his daughter) were tragically taken from us. I understandably felt defeated by life. After months of trying to cling on a reason to live myself, I began counseling. This counseling was for people who have experienced traumatic loss. It wasn't until started counseling consistently for 2 years did I begin to feel like I had a purpose in life.
Over the course of nearly 3 years now I learned talking about your loved ones is key to the healing process. Also, your stories need to be heard, because it feels like they die all over again when we keep our feelings bottles up. This often leads to depression and many other health issues. That's why I created the blog. I have the unique ability to understand loss because I have been through it. I'm living proof to someone who doesn't see an end to their pain and suffering, that there will come a time when they will smile again. Nothing happens overnight but with consistent counseling and prayers this battle can be won.
I prayed for a life jacket many nights until I realized I have to put on my own little cape and save myself. I had to make the call to get counseling. I had to encourage myself get knee deep in prayer and ask God for the strength and faith when mines was faint. Little by little and day by day I grew stronger, but I realized I had always been headed towards healing I just didn't know it!
Come on and grab your gear and join me as we discover life after loss together!